Style Icon: Kate Lanphear

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(All pictures: Citizen Couture, Garance Dore, Street Peeper, The Sartorialist, Stockholm Street Style)

In my book, there is absolutely no one with a cooler style than Kate Lanphear. Without question, she is my ultimate style icon. The first word which springs to mind in describing Kate’s style is FIERCE. In all capitals. Often favoring all black looks and rocking a David Bowie haircut, Kate’s style is cutting edge, androgynous, completely unique, and totally awesome.

Besides Kate’s side career as a cult fashion icon, she is also the fashion director for US Elle, and shoots she’s styled often appear in the magazine. It’s so interesting to see how she applies her edgy style and fashion viewpoint towards others. Her perspective is always there, and while no one will ever look as awesome in her goth inspired rocker vibes as she herself does, her photo spreads are always my favorite. She also does venture away from her personal style in shoots, such as in styling this summer’s Armani Exchange campaign.

Want to steal some of Kate’s amazingness? Well, sadly I don’t think we can…but we can definitely take some style cues from her! Stay away from those bright colors and think chic blacks, whites, and greys. Make sure you have black skinny jeans, black platforms and stilettos, hard core studded jewelry, vintage rocker tees, and long blazers in your closet. The more black you layer the better and bonus points for adding in some accessories with religious iconography.

You know what I find the most interesting about Kate Lanphear? She’s originally from Virginia and is widely regarded to be one of the nicest people in the fashion industry. She has described herself as “a fashion geek” and said that she’s just “your average redneck from Virginia.” Not true in the least, but it’s wonderful to see someone with such a dark, fierce style have such an amiable personality!

For more on Kate, here’s a great little interview from NYMag.




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  • candice

    love the androgeny! going to make a fierce black blazer for fall, for sure.

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