Dancer Blogaliciousness part one!

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Dancers are so multi-talented; seeing the ways in which their talents manifest is a delicious thing indeed! This is the first of two installments about dancer-authored blogs I will be profiling on Dd. My intention is that by profiling these two blogs the dancer blogosphere can further integrate and cross-pollinate!  And yes, everything I write has a food reference.  My apologies…

I recently interviewed two lovely ladies and friends of mine, PBT Soloist Eva Trapp and corps de ballet member Caitlin Peabody, who, along with several other members of the company, have recently created and now oversee the official dancer blog of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre,


The Editors hard at work in the PBT Physical Therapy room. Apparently the uniform for the job is drop dead gorgeousness + a scarf.

They’ve created the blog so that the audience can learn about the dancers on a more personal level. Their concept is that showcasing the “offstage” or more “human” side of dancers creates a richer viewing experience for consumers of dance. “I find that when I go to shows I tend to be more involved and entertained if I know or know about someone in the show” explains Trapp.

Though still in its infancy, the blog has already profiled a range of topics, including behind the scenes photos and videos from rehearsal and performance, weekend activities, and company-wide dancer polls by amateur statistician and PBT dancer Cooper Verona. Also featured are fun topics such as wine tasting notes from the de facto company sommelier, Principal Dancer Alexandra Kochis, wiz-in-the-kitchen Peabody’s cooking section featuring different recipes from our diverse group of dancers’ hometowns, and Playlist of the Week from music maven Trapp (whom I am always bugging for listening recommendations so this makes both of our lives easier).

I’m certainly impressed by their prolific output so far and look forward to seeing what’s to come. Check it out, give suggestions (comment here and I’ll pass along), join our community, celebrate the dancer as human!

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  • Stephanie

    I love this. Recently, I attended a DanceNYC Town Hall Meeting and Andrea Lodico Welshons, the managing director of Keigwin + Company was there. She said that the number one trafficked page on the company’s website is the dancers’ bio page. Clearly, people are interested in knowing more about the individuals they see on stage, so it’s wonderful to hear PBT is embracing new media and trying to make the experience at the ballet mean more than tutus and tiaras for its audience members.

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