Join us: Dd's First Meeting of the Think Tank

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DIYdancer is pleased to invite you to our first-ever meeting of the Think Tank!

Who: You

What: Are invited to join in an afternoon of art galleries, conversation, and cocktails. We will be touring recommendations from art blog, The Two Percent and finishing at a local watering hole to discuss what we have seen, what we are thinking, and how it may or may not apply to what we are currently working on. This will be a bi-monthly event with a changing set of themes and activities.

When: Saturday, December 3rd 3p-5p

Where: Chelsea gallery district.  RSVP to and we will email you the coordinates.

Why: We have new mission here at DIYdancer: to bring together dancers, artists, collaborators, and friends to empower our arts community from the inside out. Through an online forum and NYC events, we aim to build awareness, facilitate conversation and constructive critique, and support artists’ development as individuals and professionals. DIYdancer strives to inspire curiosity in order to help ourselves branch out and return to the art form we love—pushing the boundaries and blurring the lines.

We look forward to meeting in person and continuing the lively conversation!


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  • stephanie

    Can’t wait to spend my Saturday afternoon with fellow NYC artists!

    • Bison

      I love reading these articles because they’re short but ifnromavtie.

  • candice

    Me too! And David from The Two Percent will be meeting us at the start to give us an intro into the gallery scene and what we will be viewing! Should be a great afternoon.

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