{Dd} Recipe Share: Avocado banana bread french toast (gluten-free option)
Recently, I received some incredibly disappointing and heart-breaking news. I was injured in rehearsal and pulled from my fall performances with Ballet Nouveau Colorado the week of opening night. The injury to my right hip and thigh puts me out for the rest of the year–no Nutcracker for this little ‘trina. Words cannot express how difficult the past week has been, especially as I await verdict on whether or not I have to undergo surgery.
To distract myself from dark thoughts, I’ve focused my anxious energy into two other passions of mine: writing and food. All of this new found free time has me spending hours on my computer and, much to my sister’s delight, in the kitchen. Here’s how I sharpened my foodie skills over this past weekend.
Avocado banana bread
Yes, you read that correctly. The banana bread recipe is all mine–I came to it after hours of experimenting. However, the avocado addition comes from a friend. When it was first suggested to me, I thought it was an insane notion. In what universe does avocado and banana go together? But trust me when I say this totally works. The avocado makes the bread extra moist and hearty. Now, I can’t imagine making my banana bread without an avocado.
Make this ahead…
Gather together:
– 1 1/2 c. of all-purpose, whole wheat, or gluten-free flour
– 3/4 c. brown sugar or coconut palm sugar
– 1 tsp. baking soda
– 1/2 tsp. salt
– 1/2 tsp. xanthum gum (ONLY if you are making this gluten-free)
– 1/4 c. melted butter or extra virgin coconut oil
– 2 eggs, well beaten
– 2 bananas mashed
– 1 avocado mashed
– 1 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 350. Blend together all of the dry ingredients in the order they are listed. Add the eggs, melted butter/coconut oil, vanilla, bananas, and avocado. Mix until well blended. Pour contents into a greased loaf pan (I like to put a piece of parchment paper to keep it from sticking to the pan). Bake for about 50 minutes or until a knife comes out clean when it’s inserted. Set aside and let cool.
Now you are ready to turn that delectable loaf into a yummy weekend brunch.
Turn it into french toast
– 1 loaf of avocado banana bread sliced into 3/4″ thick slices
– eggs
– milk (I use almond milk to keep it dairy- and soy-free)
– vanilla
I eyeball the amount of eggs, milk, and vanilla I use depending on the number of slices I want to make. Mix all of the ingredients together. Soak each side of a slice of avocado banana bread in the egg/milk/vanilla mixture. Do this carefully because the loaf can sometimes be ‘fragile.’ Place in a skillet over medium high heat. Cook on each side until slightly browned. Serve with agave/maple syrup and enjoy!
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Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear this. I really hope that you don’t have to undergo surgery. If you are finding yourself with a lot of free time and need to be distracted you can always hang out with Raleigh and I (we like to walk around the botanical gardens in the mornings). My thoughts are with you.
Thanks Chelsea. I would love to hang out with the two of you. I have lots of free time these days
If you can turn it into french toast, you can also turn it into bread pudding. Let it get a little stale, tear it into pieces, soak in eggs and cream (or soy milk) mixture and bake. I am curious about that avocado!
Candice, that is such a great idea. I’m going to have to try it. I’m also going to experiment making the French toast with a loaf of gluten free pumpkin bread I just made.